orgasms happen irregularly
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Orgasm 411

Do you feel like your orgasms during sex are about as predictable as the stock market? You're not alone!
Most women find that orgasms happen irregularly, at best, during intercourse. It's frustrating, and has left more than one man and woman feeling inadequate. What's most important is that couples understand only about 30 percent of women regularly orgasm during intercourse. That's right - the rest of us gals need additional stimulation or don't ever get there during penetration.

The problem is that while the clitoris is the gateway to orgasm for most women, intercourse pretty much misses it. Even women who have G-spot or pelvic floor orgasms probably lay the groundwork via the clitoris (Don't worry, we'll get to G-spot orgasms another day. So much to talk about and so little time!) I always think that it's a shame when women tell me, "I can only get to orgasm through clitoral stimulation." Who cares? An orgasm is an orgasm and it doesn't matter how you get there.

Orgasm 411

orgasms happen irregularly
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Do you feel like your orgasms during sex are about as predictable as the stock market? You're not alone!
Most women find that orgasms happen irregularly, at best, during intercourse. It's frustrating, and has left more than one man and woman feeling inadequate. What's most important is that couples understand only about 30 percent of women regularly orgasm during intercourse. That's right - the rest of us gals need additional stimulation or don't ever get there during penetration.

The problem is that while the clitoris is the gateway to orgasm for most women, intercourse pretty much misses it. Even women who have G-spot or pelvic floor orgasms probably lay the groundwork via the clitoris (Don't worry, we'll get to G-spot orgasms another day. So much to talk about and so little time!) I always think that it's a shame when women tell me, "I can only get to orgasm through clitoral stimulation." Who cares? An orgasm is an orgasm and it doesn't matter how you get there.
Foreplay is key
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Lots of foreplay is one key to a more orgasmic intercourse experience. Your partner should touch you all over, starting first with other parts and then moving on to the clitoris. Guys often go right for it, mostly because they figure if they had a clitoris that's what they'd want, but it's important to work up slowly. During intercourse, making a few simple adjustments to your usual positions can make a world of difference for maximizing clitoral stimulation. Some magic moves include getting on top of your partner and leaning forward, lying on your stomach while your partner enters you from behind, and propping a pillow underneath your bottom in missionary.

If a change of position isn't doing the trick, a finger or a vibrator just might. Supplement penetration with one or two fingers or a small vibrator on your clitoris. There are tons of small vibrators out there, but a few that I love from my line (Berman Center Intimate Accessories Collection) are the Aurora and the Athena.

And remember, orgasms vary in intensity and frequency and are rarely a sure thing. Make the goal of sex sensuality and pleasure, and if you build it, orgasms will come!

Try making sex more of a circle and less of a kiss, undress, fool around and have sex linear model.


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