24. Do you think a G.E.D. certificate provides high school dropouts as many opportunities as a high school diploma does, or not?
Provides as many opportunities 29%
Does not 64%
Depends/sometimes yes/sometimes no 4%
No answer/don't know 4%

25. In your opinion, at what age should students be allowed to drop out of school?
10 to 15 1%
16 12%
17 11%
18 38%
19 to 21 6%
Should not be allowed 26%
No answer/don't know 6%

26. Do you think that the government should forbid students younger than 18 from dropping out of high school?
Yes, should forbid 62%
No, should not forbid 35%
No answer/don't know 3%

27. If a student younger than 18 chooses to leave school, should the state be allowed to deny them driver's licenses until they turn 18, or not?
Yes, state should be allowed to deny 65%
No, state should not be allowed to deny 32%
No answer/don't know 3%

28. And if a student younger than 18 dropped out of school, should the state be allowed to deny them child work permits, or not?
Yes, state should be allowed to deny 33%
No, state should not be allowed to deny 64%
No answer/don't know 3%

29. Should the federal government pass laws making it illegal in all states to leave high school before the age of 16?
Yes, should make illegal 69%
No, should not 28%
No answer/don't know 3%

30. In your opinion, should all students be required to pursue a college track in high school or should students be offered the option of taking vocational education to prepare them for work immediately following high school?
All students required to pursue college track 8%
Should be offered vocation education option 88%
No answer/don't know 4%


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