Bianca is one of the children featured in Waiting For "Superman". She lives in Harlem, New York, and her mother, Nakia, pays $500 every month for her to attend the school across the street from their apartment.

"I don't care what I have to do. I don't care how many jobs I have to obtain, but she will go to college," Nakia says in the film.

However, when Nakia falls behind on some payments, it's Bianca who must pay the price. The day of her kindergarten graduation, the school doesn't allow Bianca to participate in the ceremony. The mother and daughter both end up in tears.

"That's a heartbreaking moment," Oprah says.

Nakia says she tried to find the right words to help Bianca understand the situation. "I told her: 'You did graduate. You just weren't a part of the ceremony. You mattered just as much as anyone else did,'" Nakia says.

Davis says there are kids in every neighborhood just like Bianca. "There are mothers just like Nakia in every neighborhood," he says. "We have to imagine that there's a school in our neighborhood that we have to make ready for little girls like Bianca."

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