South Africa has been called the rape capital of the world. "It is almost impossible for us to imagine the frequency in which these horrific crimes happen, not only to women, but also especially to the children," Oprah says. Shocking statistics:

  • In South Africa, more than 1 million women and children are raped every year. (The London Times, October 14, 2004)
  • Each and every day in South Africa, at least 50 children are victims of rape. (South African Press Association, June 2005)
  • More than 90 percent of rape victims know their attackers. (South African Press Association, June 2005)
  • A young girl born in South Africa has a greater chance of being raped than of learning how to read. (BBC News, April 2002)
  • In South Africa, one in four girls faces the prospect of being raped before her 16th birthday, according to the child support group, Childline South Africa.

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