Peter: Great job! You've made it to Day 3. Feeling tempted to give in to one activity? Are the kids frustrated? That's natural, and you can all soldier through. My prescription is to do something out of the ordinary tonight.

Instead of eating dinner at the table, have a picnic in your living room. Does your family love camping? Break out the tent and sleep in the backyard on a school night (just make sure to have some kind of alarm handy). When everyone's experiencing something new and having fun, I guarantee you no one will wish she was at tennis practice or craving for one more activity or practice out of the house.

Tanuja: I am really starting to enjoy having no activities! I think the kids are really starting to enjoy just hanging out at home. The house is so peaceful because the kids have been behaving so nicely. Now, I am realizing that the stress of all the activities is causing some of the behavior problems at home. Homework was done by 6:30!

Nina: Dinner today was fun! We sat by the fire and had a "picnic." Then our family sat by the fire and read. My sisters and I did a great job of doing our homework fast. I am beginning to miss only certain activities. I thought that I would miss gymnastics, but I really I am relieved that I don't have to go. The part of gymnastics that I am missing is the tumbling. I am also missing cheerleading. I am falling behind in learning the cheers and am eager to learn them. Tennis is a different story. I suspected that I would not be missing it, and I was kind of right. I don't know if I should quit it or not. My tennis coach even called me and asked me to think about keeping up doing tennis. I don't know what to do!


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