Have you noticed that things have been a little off with Oprah lately? The Oprah Show has received emails and letters from concerned viewers wondering what's going on. Well, Oprah's ready to come clean about the mystery of the missing earring!

Back in December, Oprah was seen on television wearing just her left earring. On the cover of the February issue of O, The Oprah Magazine, Oprah was again wearing just one earring. No, she wasn't trying to start a new trend, and no, it wasn't a wardrobe malfunction. Her jewelry dilemma was caused by a simple medical mishap.

Last season, to celebrate her 51st birthday, Oprah gave up clip-ons and had her ears pierced the first time. But, Oprah did not follow the doctor's orders, she says. She was supposed to leave in the approved posts for six weeks, but she took them out a few weeks early—so she could wear beautiful dangly earrings for the Oscars!

"[My ears were] hurting that day and that night, too," she says. "Then, a couple of weeks later, one of my ears was a mess, and then, it got worse."

Oprah thought she could get away with wearing one earring and hiding her bare ear with her hair, but her eagle-eyed viewers quickly caught on.

During the holiday season, after the stage premiere of The Color Purple, Oprah had her ears pierced again in the privacy of the doctor's office. This time, she promises to follow all the rules!

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