Although the quints take up a lot of time and attention, Eliot thinks her brother and sisters are "cool." Casey, on the other hand, says one of her biggest challenges is giving all the children enough attention.

"The most important thing is Ethan and I and our relationship, making sure we get out and have our date nights and our time together," Casey says. "Then, it's being able to get out just with the three of us again, Ethan, Eliot and I. We were a team first, and so we'll always remember that. So we plan special playdates for Eliot.

Casey also credits helpful family and friends who watch the quints when she, Ethan and Eliot want to spend quality time together.

When the quints were first born, 75 volunteers helped the Joneses 24 hours a day, seven days a week. "Our church put together a care calendar for us and did background checks on people that were interested in helping us out," Casey says. "It was people from our church and the Austin, [Texas], community."

Casey and Ethan now have about 10 people who help change diapers and keep an eye on the active toddlers throughout the week. "They're like family to us now," Casey says.


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