Six years ago, J.L. wasn't the only man willing to talk about living on the down low. But, another guest was in such denial, he only agreed to be on The Oprah Show if his identity was disguised.

Though he was involved in sexual relationships with both men and women, this man—who's now stepping forward to reveal his face and his name, Ulandsey Peterson—also didn't define himself as gay. "I had to accept the truth that I am physically, emotionally and sexually attracted to men, and it was a difficult truth to accept at the time," he says. "I am gay."

Even now, Ulandsey says he's worried about the reaction he'll receive after announcing his truth on national television. "What I'm going to get is rejection on a massive scale," he says. "I'm concerned about the effect this is going to have on my mother and on my sister."

"Why are you doing this?" Oprah asks.

"I need to do this," he says.

Ulandsey says speaking out about being on the down low will help him grow as a person. "This needs to be talked about," he says. "This is destroying our community in a very big way. I'm taking responsibility for my role in this conversation. My hope is that I'm able to talk to other men and to tell them to take responsibility for their truth as well."

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