Write a Letter to the President
You can help make a difference in the lives of millions. Send letters or e-mail President Bush and Secretary General Ban today!

Print and send a letter to President Bush!

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Write a letter to President Bush. You can print the letter above and mail it to the White House at:

The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Washington D.C. 20500


Or you can e-mail them directly by copying and pasting the letter below (once you've personalized it) into an e-mail. President Bush can be reached at comments@whitehouse.gov. Secretary General Ban can be reached at inquiries@un.org.

Dear President Bush and Secretary General Ban,

Every day, the 2.5 million people chased from their homes in Darfur face the threat of starvation, disease and rape while the few lucky enough to remain in their homes risk displacement, torture and murder. We need strong U.S. and U.N. leadership to make ending this genocide a priority.

I urge you to use the power of your offices to do the following:

  • Strengthen the understaffed and overwhelmed African Union peacekeeping force now. We must offer extra help to the African peacekeepers on the ground.
  • Transition peacekeeping responsibilities to a stronger U.N. force as soon as possible. The U.N. must deploy peacekeepers under Resolution 1706 with a strong mandate to protect civilians.
  • Implement the Darfur Peace Agreement. For the violence to end, all parties to the agreement, in particular the Sudanese government, must live up to their responsibilities.
  • Increase aid levels and ensure access for aid delivery. Shortfalls in aid continue to mean that people are at risk of starvation. Humanitarian organizations must have unfettered access to all who need help.
T he only difference between me and these victims of genocide is the unlucky situation into which they were born. We shouldn't turn our backs on innocent babies, women or men. Instead, we must demonstrate that the world will stop the morally bankrupt perpetrators of this genocide.

As two world leaders, you have the power to help end the suffering of millions of people in Darfur. Though you have both spoken out strongly against this genocide, we now need you to work with countries across the globe to find a solution to this horrific genocide. The lives of millions hang in the balance.



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