Carole Radziwill

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After the tragic plane crash that killed John Kennedy Jr. and Carolyn Bessette, rumors circulated in the media about the state of their marriage and possible drug abuse.

Carole calls the rumors "unfair," saying, "I think this is something that really has a way of distorting everything in life, and people don't understand the difference between fact and truth. And the fact is it was a very difficult summer. The fact is Anthony was dying. John's business was struggling. The fact is that they were in marriage counseling. The truth is that they loved each other and they were committed to their relationship, and you can't judge someone's marriage or life on a snapshot, you know, of one month or two months or one summer."

How does Carole want her lost friends to be remembered?

"I think nobody knows what happens in a marriage except for the two people in it. I honestly believe that," says Carole. "I know that they loved each other and they were committed to their relationship."