It's estimated that every 9 seconds, an American woman is assaulted by someone who once claimed to love her. Every day, at least four women die at the hands of their husbands or boyfriends. And studies say one in four women will be beaten or raped by somebody they know. In fact, domestic violence sends more women to emergency rooms every year than car accidents and muggings combined.

These are numbers security expert Gavin de Becker knows all too well. Still, he says there's one segment of the population severely underrepresented in the statistics—teenagers. "Teenage girls are the most victimized members of the population in America—not only the most victimized, but also the least likely to report," he says. "That combination is terrible because it means we can't even get our hands around the statistics of how many young girls are subject to date rape, to violence, to abuse of all kinds."

Take Gavin's assessment to help determine if your loved one is at risk. 

Now a woman who survived the unthinkable is coming forward to help other teens in life-threatening relationships.


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