Jenna Bush in 2001 and 2011

Photos: Getty Images

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Jenna Welch Bush Hagar
The younger of the fraternal Bush twins, Jenna Bush Hager was named after her maternal grandmother, Jenna Hawkins Welch. While Barbara attended Yale during their father's presidency, Jenna went to school at the University of Texas - Austin and took summer classes at New York University.

After graduating in 2004, Jenna became a teacher's aide and taught in schools in both Washington, D.C., and Baltimore. She also interned for UNICEF and wrote a nonfiction book about her experience called Ana's Story: A Journey of Hope, inspired by the life of a girl Jenna met during her travels. Shortly after her book came out, Jenna was hired as a correspondent for the Today show.

In 2008, Jenna married Henry Hager at her parents' ranch in Crawford, Texas.