fascism: a political movement that exalts the collective nation, and often race, above the individual and that advocates: a centralized totalitarian state headed by a charismatic leader; expansion of the nation, preferably by military force, forcible suppression and sometimes physical annihilation of opponents—real and perceived. Fascist states demand total personal commitment of the individual to the collective whole (nation, race) and often organize economic production around preparation for total war and extreme exploitation of occupied territories

Galicia: a province of Poland ruled by Habsburg Austria in the 19th Century and the Polish Republic between the two world wars. After World War II, Galicia became a part of West Ukraine.

Gestapo: the German Secret State Police, which was under SS control and command

ghetto: a confined area of a city in which members of a minority group are compelled to live because of social, legal, or economic pressure. The first exclusively Jewish ghetto was in Venice, Italy, in 1516.

Gypsy: a traditional term, sometimes perceived as pejorative, for Roma, a nomadic people, whose ancestors migrated to Europe from India. The authorities of Nazi Germany and its Axis partners persecuted and killed large numbers of Roma during the era of the Holocaust.

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