Afrikáans: The language of the Afrikaner, a much simplified and beautiful version of the language of Holland, though it is held in contempt by some ignorant English-speaking South Africans, and indeed by some Hollanders. Afrikaans and English are the two official languages of the Union of South Africa.

Afrikáner: "A" as in "father." The name now used for the descendants of the Boers. Some large-minded Afrikaners claim that it has a wider connotation, and means white South Africans, but many Afrikaans-speaking and English-speaking South Africans would object to this extension of the meaning. It is used here in its accepted meaning.

Ingéli: The first "i" as in "pit," the second as in "ee." The "e" is almost like "a" in "pane."

Inkosána: The "i" as in "pit," the "o" midway between "o" in "pot" and "o" in "born." The "a" as in "father," but the second "a" is hardly sounded. Approximate pronunciation "inkosaan." Means "little chief" or "little master."

Inkósi: As above, but the final "i" is hardly sounded. Means "chief" or "master."

Inkósikazi: As above. The second "k" is like hard "g." The final "i" is hardly sounded." Pronounced "inkosigaaz." Means "mistress."

Ixópo: The name of a village. Its Zulu pronunciation is difficult, and would be considered affected in English speech. It is pronounced in English, "Ickopo," with "o" as in "hole."

Johánnesburg: An Afrikaans word, but pronounced in English as it is written. It is the center of the gold-mining industry.

Káfferboetie: Pronounce "boetie" not as "booty" but to rhyme with "sooty." A term of contempt originally used to describe those who fraternized with African natives, but now used to describe any who work for the welfare of the non-Europeans. Means literally "little brother of the kaffir." Afrikaans.

Kloof: An Afrikaans word now in fully English. Pronounced as written. Means "ravine" or even a valley if the sides are steep. But it would not be used of a great valley like the Umzimkulu.

Kraal: An Afrikaans word now in fully English. Pronounced in English "crawl." An enclosure for cattle, where they come for milking, or where in the early days they were kept for protection. But it may also mean a number of huts together, under the rule of the head of the family, who is of course subject to the chief.

Kumálo: "U" as "oo" as in "book," "a" as in "father." The "o" midway between "o" in "pot" and "o" in "born."

Lethébe: Pronounced "ditebe," "e" approximately as in "bed."

Msimángu: The word is pronounced with the lips initially closed. Therefore no vowel precedes the "M." Pronounced approximately as written.
Ndotshéni: Approximately "Indotsheni." "O" midway between "o" in "pot" and "o" in "born," "e" almost as "a" in "pane," "i" as "ee." Last vowel hardly sounded.

Nkosi Sikelélí Afrika: Means "God bless Africa," though in the book it is taken to mean "God save Africa." This lovely hymn is rapidly becoming accepted as the national anthem of the black people. At any mixed meeting therefore, where goodwill prevails, three such anthems are sung at the conclusion, "God save the King," "Die Stem Van Suid-Afrika," and "Nkosi Sikelel iAfrika." This is co-operative, but very wearing. But such meetings are rare. Pronunciation, "Nkosi" almost as "Inkosi," "sikelele" with "k" as hard "g," and "e" approximately as in "bed," "iAfrika" with "a" as in "father," "i" as shortened "ee."

Odendaalsrúst: Pronounced by English-speaking people as written.

Pietermáritzburg: Pronounced by English-speaking people as written. A city founded by the Voortrekkers Piet Retief and Gert Maritz. Capital of the province of Natal.

Pretória: Pronounced by English-speaking people as written. A city named after the Voortrekker Pretorius. Capital of the Union of South Africa.

Siyáfa: "I" as in "ee," "a" as in "father." Means "we die."

Titihóya: A plover-like bird. The name is onomatopoetic.

Tíxo: I rejected the Zulu word for the Great Spirit as too long and difficult. This is the Xosa word. It is also difficult to pronounce, but may be pronounced "Teeko," the "o" being midway the "o" in "pot" and the "o" of "born."

Umfúndisi: The last "i" is hardly sounded. Pronounce approximately "oomfóondees," the "oo" being as in "book," and the "ees" as "eace" in the word "peace." Means "parson," but is also a title and used with respect.

Umnúmzana: Pronounced "oomnóomzaan." Means "sir."

Umzimkúlu: Pronounced by English-speaking people as "umzimkóoloo," but the "oo" is very long as in "coo."

Veld: An Afrikaans word now in fully English. Pronounced in both languages as "felt." Means open grass country. Or it may mean the grass itself, as when a farmer looks down at his feet and says, "this veld is poor."

Xósa: The pronunciation is difficult. English-speaking people pronounce it "Kosa," "o" midway between "o" in "pot" and "o" in "born," "a" almost as "u" in "much." A native tribe of the Eastern Cape.

Zúlu: The great tribe of Zululand, which overflowed into Natal and other parts. Both "u"s are long as in "coo."


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