O's Big Book of Happiness
Oxmoor House. 336 pages
$29.95. BigBookofHappiness.com
In this new collection from the pages of O, more than 75 warm, wise, and insightful contributors write about beating the blues, dropping the weight, kissing fear goodbye, turning your dreams into reality, and putting your best face forward (with a little help from the right haircut).

World-class writers, artists, entrepreneurs, and political leaders—such as Alice Sebold, David Sedaris, Elizabeth Swados, Richard Branson, and Barack Obama—open a window on the life lessons that have galvanized them and set them on the road to joy. Plus, regular columnists offer advice: Financial expert Suze Orman defuses the minefields of money management, and life coach Martha Beck clues you in on how to handle your most intractable critic—you!

Sneak peek: See the table of contents and read sample stories
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Your Mind/Your Body

Chapter 1: Diet and Exercise
Sample stories:
Why Is It So Damn Hard to Change? 
"But I Don't Eat That Much"

Chapter 2: Health
Sample story: 
Defending My Life

Chapter 3: Getting Through It
Sample stories:
O's Worst-Case Scenario Handbook 
The Panic Button

Chapter 4: Age Brilliantly

Chapter 5: Confidence
Sample story: 
The Reluctant Hostess

Chapter 6: Faith dating, mating, relating
Sample stories: 
The Hardest Question
What I Know for Sure

Chapter 7: Couples
Sample stories:
8 Entirely New Rules of Love
To Stir, with Love

Chapter 8: Sex

Chapter 9: Talking and Listening
Sample story:
How to Get What You Want from Anyone (And We Mean That in the Nicest Possible Way)

Chapter 10: Family

Dreaming Big

Chapter 11: Working
Sample story:
Your Great Idea, Whose Time Has Come

Chapter 12: Making Friends with Your Money

Chapter 13: Turning Points

Chapter 14: The Power of Authenticity

Chapter 15: We Love to Read

Sample story:
The Story of My Life

Chapter 16: Do Something!


About the Book: Read more
Order now: Visit BigBookofHappiness.com to get your copy


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