Gary King
Lecturer on "The Power of Truth"
How does lying affect health?

King: Telling even an inconsequential lie weakens the body. David R. Hawkins, MD, a noted scientist, tested the correlation between lying and human strength on thousands of patients and demonstrated that the body remained strong when participants told the truth and weakened when they told even a small lie. Now, if the muscles in the body test weak in an inconsequential lie, what do you suspect is going on if in the course of a week you tell up to a dozen small lies? You're conditioning your body to be weak.

What do you recommend people start doing in the first 30 days?

King: I believe that lying is a form of addiction. Tell the average person, "For the next 30 days, be honest and authentic in everything you do," and he'll be overwhelmed. A couple of years ago, I came up with something that's more doable: the 24-hour truth challenge. For one day, you decide to tell the truth. You don't lie to yourself or anyone else. This causes a shift in consciousness; you are now paying attention.

But once you get past the initial discomfort of being completely honest, you start to feel something in your solar plexus, a sensation of strength. A lightness and energy and freedom arise. You'll notice a difference in your courage, the way you walk, the way you stand, the tone of your voice, the communication you have with people you love, the depth of connection with those close to you and with people you don't even know. If you speak the truth, feelings might get hurt. That is okay—humans are not weak. You do people no favors by trying to protect them from the truth. If you honor the people around you, be honest with them.


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