Schedule & Speakers
O You! Speakers
Oprah Winfrey, founder and editorial director of O, The Oprah Magazine and CEO and chief creative officer of OWN
What Oprah knows for sure about O You
Gayle King, Editor-at-Large, O, The Oprah Magazine, and co-host of CBS This Morning
Gayle's opening remarks from last year's O You
Suze Orman, financial expert, O columnist, host of The Suze Orman Show and co-host of Ask Oprah's All Stars on OWN
Suze at O You 2011: How to let your passion find you
Dr. Phil has motivated millions to "get real about their own behavior so they can create more positive lives." He is one of the hosts of Ask Oprah’s All Stars and a regular contributor to O, The Oprah Magazine.
Dr. Phil McGraw's all-star advice
Dr. Laura Berman is a world-renowned sex and relationship expert. Her new television show, In the Bedroom with Dr. Laura Berman, appears on OWN.
Dr. Berman answers your sex questions
Iyanla Vanzant Iyanla Vanzant is an accomplished author, inspirational speaker, talk-show host, and living testament to the value in life’s valleys and the power of acting on faith. She is the host of Iyanla: Fix My Life, a new series on OWN.
Iyanla Vanzant's life lessons
Peter Walsh, organizational expert, O contributor and host of Enough Already! on OWN
Peter's no-fail decluttering strategies
Martha Beck, life coach and O columnist
What to do when you've lost your way
Val Monroe, Beauty Director, O, The Oprah Magazine
The 5-minute Val interview
Adam Glassman, fashion expert and Creative Director, O, The Oprah Magazine
Watch Adam and Val at O You 2011
O You! 2012 Event Schedule
All guests will have the opportunity to see Oprah Winfrey, Gayle King, Suze Orman, and Dr. Phil.
All guests will attend an opening and closing session. Guests may also select two (2) out of the following three (3) O expert-led sessions to attend:
Get Organized! with Peter Walsh
Love, Sex & Relationships with Dr. Laura Berman
Creating Your Right Life with Martha Beck