Women who Run with the Wolves By Clarissa Pinkola EstEs, Ph.D.

Under the tutelage of wild woman, we reclaim the ancient, the intuitive and the passionate," Estés writes. "When our lives reflect hers, we act cohesively. We carry through, or learn to if we don't already know how. We take the steps to make our ideas manifest in the world. We regain focus when we lose it, attend to personal rhythms, draw closer to friends and mates who are in accord with wildish and integral rhythms. We choose relationships that nurture our creative and instinctive lives. We reach out to nurture others. And we are willing to teach receptive mates about wildish rhythms if need be."

This book came into my life, as into the lives of millions of others, with a great pounding of hooves. The sound of someone wise and earthy coming; an ancient soul astride the steed of knowledge. Women who Run with the Wolves is packed with stories that become more intriguing and personally useful with each reading. They are old stories, stories that have been hidden, sometimes nearly lost. Stories that reconnect us to who we, in essence, are. Stories whose aim is to help us more fully live. Live, flourish, thrive. Wherever I open Estés's book, I find something that speaks directly to the spirit or the soul. I am comforted, teased, seen, strengthened, encouraged, sent on my way with a wider, more wildish heart. (See the excerpt on page 250.)


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