Need Cash? Work One Hour More
Women spend an average of 55 minutes every day searching for stuff, including 8.2 minutes searching for a receipt. People with messy desks spend an average of 7 1/2 hours per week being distracted by pieces of paper, folders, and stationery supplies. Can't you think of about a hundred other things you'd rather do with that time? Now that you've organized your financial paperwork, your options are wide open. Sleep might be good. Or exercise. You could play Scrabble with your kids. Cook a meal. See two movies over the course of a week. Have a meaningful conversation with a girlfriend or a spouse. Heck, in an hour, you could even have some pretty good sex. And you could make some meaningful money by working one—yes, one—extra hour per day.
If you aren't working now, that means taking on a job that's truly part-time. If you are working, it means perhaps putting in a little overtime or moonlighting.
Your Map to a Million
If you work one extra hour five days a week making $8 per hour for one year:
5 x $8 x 52 weeks = $2,080
Over 5 years: $10,400
Over 10 years: $20,800
If you do this for 10 years, put the money in an IRA, and let it grow for 30 years to use for your retirement (and never contribute another dime after those 10 years), you will have $173,335.
If you make $10/Hour
In 1 year: $2,600
Over 5 years: $13,000
Over 10 years $26,000
If you do this for 10 years, put the money in an IRA, and let it grow for 30 years for your retirement (and never contribute another dime after those 10 years), you will have $216,666.
If you make $20/hour
In 1 year: $5,200
Over 5 years: $26,000
Over 10 years: $52,000
If you do this for 10 years, put the money in an IRA, and let it grow for 30 years for your retirement (and never contribute another dime after those 10 years), you will have $433,333.
More in Money
More ways to find extra money
8 ways to start saving now
Quizzes, calculators and financial worksheets
If you aren't working now, that means taking on a job that's truly part-time. If you are working, it means perhaps putting in a little overtime or moonlighting.
Your Map to a Million
If you work one extra hour five days a week making $8 per hour for one year:
5 x $8 x 52 weeks = $2,080
Over 5 years: $10,400
Over 10 years: $20,800
If you do this for 10 years, put the money in an IRA, and let it grow for 30 years to use for your retirement (and never contribute another dime after those 10 years), you will have $173,335.
If you make $10/Hour
In 1 year: $2,600
Over 5 years: $13,000
Over 10 years $26,000
If you do this for 10 years, put the money in an IRA, and let it grow for 30 years for your retirement (and never contribute another dime after those 10 years), you will have $216,666.
If you make $20/hour
In 1 year: $5,200
Over 5 years: $26,000
Over 10 years: $52,000
If you do this for 10 years, put the money in an IRA, and let it grow for 30 years for your retirement (and never contribute another dime after those 10 years), you will have $433,333.
More in Money
More ways to find extra money
8 ways to start saving now
Quizzes, calculators and financial worksheets
Reprinted from Make Money, Not Excuses by Jean Chatzky with permission from Crown Business, a division of Random House, Inc. Copyright © 2006 by Jean Chatzky.
Please note: This is general information and is not intended to be legal advice. You should consult with your own financial advisor before making any major financial decisions, including investments or changes to your portfolio, and a qualified legal professional before executing any legal documents or taking any legal action. Harpo Productions, Inc., OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network, Discovery Communications LLC and their affiliated companies and entities are not responsible for any losses, damages or claims that may result from your financial or legal decisions.