I've spent the past year adventuring, from the breathtaking Grand Canyon to the glacier-blue lakes of New Zealand to the waterfall peaks of Telluride, Colorado. I had a lot of fun exploring new territory. And now I've returned, happy and even more content, to my own little corner of the world.

I'm reminded of Dorothy's big aha, because this I know for sure: There really is no place like home. The place that speaks to the space within that resonates as you.

Here in my own backyard, I find true comfort and joy (not just the Christmas carol kind) in knowing that every opportunity to open my eyes and meet a new day is an adventure all its own.

I want to use these opportunities well, not missing a beat, taking pleasure in the natural rhythms of life.

This means I refuse to let anything be mundane, whether it's making tea, loading the dishwasher, picking up my socks, working out, even bagging dog poop. I have an awareness about it all that's like observing myself in action. I get to see myself living and breathing and being both a contributor to and spectator of the force we call life. And I get to reflect on the places I've been and the times we're living in.

It's a wonder, this world of ours. So many diverse roads to travel. So many different ways of looking at things, and now the word for our particular cultural moment: so many divisions.

But in spite of those divisions, life keeps coming at us. More people than not are getting along, working together, just being together out and about. Walking side by side if not hand in hand, with malice toward none.

I believe in staying focused on the overwhelmingly positive good that reveals itself in our daily encounters. And that shows up in times of trouble—as when strangers stepped forward after this year's horrific hurricanes to help people they didn't know but whose need they recognized.

This is the real adventure of our lives: Who will you be? How will you show up when it matters?

All roads lead to the home that is you.


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