When most of us hear the term "medium," we think of Ouija boards, tarot cards, and crystal balls. Well, that or Long Island Medium Theresa Caputo. But there is more to mediums than Hollywood has led us to believe. Here's everything you need to know about the role of a psychic medium and clairvoyant, and what they say they do.

Mediums bridge the gap between the living and the deceased.

In other words, "a medium is someone who is able to communicate with souls on the other side" Kellee White, a licensed psychotherapist and spiritual medium, says. However, contrary to popular belief, mediums do not speak with the dead. "There is no such thing as death," White explains. "There is only a transition from the physical being to the spiritual being...and mediums are sensitive and intuitive enough to hear, feel, and see information coming from the other side."

Okay, but how do mediums interact with otherworldly spirits?

There are numerous ways mediums say they can facilitate "conversations" with the deceased. ChosenEyes—an Austin based psychic, medium, and tarot card reader, says "some choose to undergo possession, acting as a vessel for those spirits needing a human form to communicate with this world. Many mediums are also empathic, and thus are presumably able to share the experiences of those on both sides of the veil," and some, like Chosen Eyes, "interact with spirits as clearly as they do with those on this physical plane. Many of us are perpetually dancing between realms," she says.

What differentiates a medium from a psychic or clairvoyant?

The distinction between mediums, psychics, and clairvoyants can be confusing. In fact, many believe the terms are interchangeable, but that is not the case. "Mediums are able to raise their vibration high enough to connect to the other side," White explains. "Psychics have the ability to give information about the past, the present, or even the future, but not deliver messages from the other side" while “clairs” receive stronger messages overall, i.e. clairvoyants are clear seeing, clairaudients are clear hearing, and clairsentients are clear feeling.

According to ChosenEyes, these individuals "usually see time and space." However, it is important to note that one gift is not greater than the other. "All serve a purpose," ChosenEyes explains.

Considering talking to a medium? Here's what to expect.

Since mediums purportedly communicate with those who have passed on, clients should expect to "hear from" deceased friends and/or loved ones. However, the specifics of your sitting will vary. "Each medium operates differently," ChosenEyes explains. "Be open to an intangible experience, as well as receiving information that you may not have asked for. Expect some form of guidance, perspective, clarity, and authenticity," and be patient. "Mediums are humans filling a heavy space so don't hold them to an unfair standard."

As for how to locate a medium, the best way is to get a referral. Sites like BestPsychicDirectory.com provide public reviews. Google gives users a quick and easy way to cut through the proverbial noise. (The search engine also provides detailed ranking information and—when applicable—customer comments). And personal recommendations are invaluable. However, regardless of how you make your selection, White notes you should choose a medium who "understands grief and loss... and gives good evidence of the loved one on the other side," including names, dates, and specifically traits. Their message should also make sense.

Read the original story here: Mediums Don't Actually "Talk" to the Dead


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