Last June, while I frantically dashed through Costco to grab food for my family, I spotted an older Korean woman struggling to lift a pack of water bottles. I don't speak Korean, but I picked it up. I asked if she needed more. She pointed. I put the rest in her cart. She bowed, and I smiled behind my mask. What I did wasn't extraordinary, but part of what's been ingrained in me as a child of Taiwanese immigrants: our gùng gungs, năi nais, lolas, and halmeonis deserve the utmost respect.

Of course, you don't need to be Asian American to care for the elderly. But since the start of COVID-19, Asian seniors have disproportionately been the target of cruel verbal and physical attacks that have exponentially increased. According to Stop AAPI Hate, from March to December 2020, 126​ incidents were reported against Asian Americans over 60 years old. Unfortunately, Asian elders are easy targets; most don’t speak English. In New York City alone, 1 in 3 Asian seniors live in a limited English-speaking household, can’t defend themselves, and likely won't report what happened.

View the full story on How You Can Join the Stop Asian Hate Movement.


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