I know for sure: I’m a homebody. I love nesting, and pitty-pattying around in my pj’s and socks, and reading wherever I can find a cozy nook. My life and work demand significant travel, so in my spare time I like to venture no farther than my own backyard (shout out to Glinda).

But this year I’m vowing to do more and see more. I started in the grandest of places, the Grand Canyon. I’ll never forget watching the sun rise over the rim and turn the sky the color of golden peaches; it brought tears to my eyes. I started humming “How Great Thou Art.” And then “America, America, God shed his grace on thee.” For me, it was a holy moment.

Suddenly a hawk appeared, floating on invisible currents. Standing on a ledge with the wind on my face, I took it all in: the power of this earth, the rapturous spectacle that is our planet. In 2017, I want to see more of it. Travel. Discover. Wander and wonder. And let life itself be my great adventure.

If you can get to one of America’s national parks, by all means, do! If you can’t, read The Hour of Land by Terry Tempest Williams. But right now, before you even think about a trip, decide to see and be in your world with your eyes and heart wide open. Wherever you live, really look around. Try different restaurants. Take a class on something new. Be challenged. Get stimulated. Have some fun! And redefine what fun means for you.

Lately, my own definition has deepened to include more meaningful experiences. What seemed fun 20 years ago no longer holds my interest. I feel I’ve earned the right to spend time doing only what matters and brings me joy.

You’ll get to follow my joy treks in O all year. And you’ll have the chance to win some eye-opening trips yourself.

Let me know where you’re headed and what you do when you get there—post a picture using #OMagAdventure. And let’s make this our best year yet!

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