Woman holding pencil and spiral notepad

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Ever feel like your to-do list gets longer faster than you have time to check things off? Between balancing work life, home life, and personal relationships, sometimes 24 hours in a day go by in a heartbeat. If you find yourself not having enough time for self-care, feeling increasingly stressed at your job, or overwhelmed no matter how hard you work—this might be the time to learn new time management hacks to get you back on track. After all, they say you should work smarter, not harder.

So whether you're trying to get in the zone to do some deep work, feeling inspired to achieve peak productivity on a rainy day, hoping to save time to start a passion project, or setting goals to be more productive in the new year, let these expert-approved tips work their magic.

Woman opening curtains in the morning

Photo: Tara Moore/Getty Images

Set a morning routine.

For Marie Kondo—Netflix star and best-selling author of The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing—starting the morning with "good energy" is important for productivity. According to Kondo, her morning ritual involves opening up the windows, burning incense, and saying a prayer—but your routine should be whatever feels easy and right for you.

Woman using a digital tablet in a park

Photo: Poike/Getty Images

Limit your screen time.

"If you mindfully go on Twitter with a glass of wine and catch up with friends, that's good, but you interrupt your focus when checking your phone during those in-between moments," says organizing consultant and Time to Parent author Julie Morgenstern. To begin, avoid your devices during the first and last hour of each day.

Up-close shot of woman holding a smartphone between her two hands

Photo: Diego_Cervo/Getty Images

Use your phone's grayscale mode.

If you need a little help avoiding temptation to check all those entertaining social media apps, this option—available on most smartphones—turns your screen black and white, reducing stimulation.

Wooden desktop with glasses, laptop, coffee cup and other items

Photo: Prostock-Studio/Getty Images

Set your intention before each activity.

Julie Morgenstern advises you to be mindful before switching tasks. After putting the kids to sleep, for example, take a minute to decide how you'd like to connect with your partner, be it by talking about the day or watching a movie. At work, choose to really enjoy a lunch break or afternoon tea. This will recharge your mind and increase your effectiveness before the next transition.

Man writing in a calendar

Photo: Rawpixel Ltd/Getty Images

Stick to one master calendar.

Forget Post-its and scattered notes. Morgenstern recommends merging all of your tasks and appointments into one calendar or scheduling system that makes you comfortable. "A to-do that is not integrated into a schedule rarely gets done," she says.

Read the full story here: 15 Simple Ways to Become a More Productive Person.