Give ordinary windows some flair with this easy project (perfect for bathrooms!). To remove, wash with warm water and peel fabric away.
1/4 cup cornstarch
3 cups water
Measuring tape
A thin decorative fabric — enough to cover desired windows
Painter's tape
Glass cleaner
Paper towels
Cooking pot
Window Prep
Measure the width and length of your window. Cut the fabric with scissors to fit the measured dimensions of your window.
Clean the window with glass cleaner and paper towels.
Tape the fabric to the edges of the window with painter's tape.
Cornstarch Prep
Boil 2 cups of water in a medium saucepan.
Stir in 1/4 cup cornstarch to 1 cup of room temperature water and mix until blended.
Add the water and cornstarch mixture to the boiling water.
Stir continuously to keep from settling or becoming too thick — ideal texture is a milky consistency. This mixture will become our glue for the window treatment, adhering the fabric to the window.
Paint small amounts of cornstarch over fabric on window using a paintbrush and short, gentle strokes. Smooth the fabric down gently from top to bottom with the squeegee as you go.
When the fabric is completely painted with cornstarch, use the squeegee gently to smooth out any bubbles, being careful not to scrape off cornstarch, and ensure the design on your fabric will be clearly visible.
Wipe off any excess cornstarch on the bottom of the windowsill using a towel.
Let the cornstarch treatment dry for 1 hour. Once dry, carefully remove the painter's tape.
Repeat cornstarch prep steps and application steps for edges of the fabric that were previously taped.
Let dry for 1 hour.
Published 12/30/2016