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Archetype #3: Energetic
BLOCK: Saying no
HAS A HARD TIME LETTING GO OF: Projects, personal and social commitments

People who operate primarily in the Energetic archetype joyfully move through the world at a pace and with an efficacy that make those around them stare in wonder. The Energetic archetype is a physical way of approaching the world; it radiates energy throughout the body, into the limbs. These people have great stores of energy and zeal, which they use to tackle any project or obstacle in their way. They tend to be innovators at work or deeply committed to their hobbies. They’re often do-it-yourselfers, or folks who love projects, learning something new, or trying something different.

The shadow side of the Energetic archetype is that same, vibrant energy but refracted through a crystal. These people are, in one word, Scattered. Despite being passionate and engaging, this type often starts but rarely finishes projects. They say yes to most things, are chronic over-schedulers, and typically run ten minutes late to everything. Their spaces are filled with aspirational to-dos and projects in progress. They often experience guilt as a result of not completing their projects yet cannot maintain focus long enough to complete something before moving on to the next.

The central idea blocking Scattered types is the idea of saying no to things. Because they love to try new hobbies, start new projects, and learn something different, they have a hard time prioritizing because they want to do everything.

Tool for Moving from Scattered Back to Energetic
You suffer from wanting to do it all, so you likely have many aspirational, unfinished projects around the house. Any project that is incomplete is telling you something: either it is not a priority or you are being unrealistic with your time. Releasing the objects related to these projects not only honors the objects themselves so that they can be used and appreciated by someone else but also gives you a second chance—a chance to start anew and decide how you would like to spend your time now that you’re no longer filled with a sense of duty to complete all these half- started projects. It requires self-forgiveness, for sure. But let us remind you that you can still be a good friend, even if you don’t knit that scarf.

For scheduling, mentally step back and consider your top priorities in your work and personal life. This could be anything from quality time with family to training for a triathlon to earning that promotion at work. Write the top three down. Now look at your actual calendar of upcoming events and projects; does the way you spend your time match what you value most? If you see discrepancies, practice saying no to any activity that doesn’t align with how you’ve just stated you would like to spend your time. Moving forward, actually schedule time for the activities and actions that support your top priorities. Even if it’s just a phone call to your best friend, formally setting aside your time will ensure that it doesn’t get filled with something less important that might crop up the day of.

To-do lists are your best friends. Take the time to find the system that works best for you. Practice writing a to-do list each morning or the beginning of the week. This will help you pause to think about the essentials you need to make space for. Everything else is optional, just icing on the cake.