Appliances—As long as you own the item

Art, antiques, collectibles—As long as you own the item

Clothing—For the length of the returns period, unless tracking your household budget

Credit card slips—Until your statement comes and you can match purchases

Furniture—As long as you own the item in case repair is needed

Home improvements—As long as you own your home, or six years after sale

Household repairs—For life of warranty, or longer to reference reliability record of service people and their rates

Major purchases—For the life of the item

Medical and tax-related—Maximum of six years

Rent—Your canceled check is sufficient

Utility bills—Your current bill and one previous year's to check billing patterns

Warranties and instructions—For the life of warranty or the item. Stick label with warranty expiration date and service repair number on bottom of appliance. If something breaks down, you've got an easy way to check if the item's still covered without even having to go to your file drawer.  


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