produce protein sources

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Surprises in the Produce Section

16. Black Eyed Peas—5.23 grams in 1 cup, cooked

17. Green Peas—4.29 grams in ½ cup, cooked

18. Guava, the highest-protein fruit—4.21 grams in 1 cup

19. Spinach—4 grams in ¾ cup, cooked

20. Brussels Sprouts—3.98 grams in 1 cup, cooked

21. Portabella Mushrooms—3.97 grams in 1 cup grilled and sliced

22. Artichokes—3.47 grams in 1 medium artichoke, cooked

23. Kale—2.47 grams in 1 cup, cooked

24. Sun-dried tomatoes—1.9 grams in ¼ cup