Spectrum of Food Choices:
Choose Most Often
- All fresh vegetables and fruits, such as green leafy vegetables and greens, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, carrots, tomatoes, etc.
- All fresh fruits, such as citrus, apples, berries, etc.
- Dried beans, such as garbanzo beans, black beans, pinto beans, etc.
- Lentils
- Green peas
- Sprouted peas, beans and seeds
- Whole grains, pastas and cereals, such as brown rice, whole wheat, oats, millet, barley, kasha, cornmeal, polenta, etc.
- Soy products, such as tofu, soy beans, soy yogurt, soy and mixed-protein powders
- Non-fat dairy products daily Egg whites
- Fat-free condiments and salad dressings
- Vinegars Fresh and dried herbs
- Garlic and onions
Food Spectrum Chart
To keep track of your heart healthy dieting choices, print this out as a daily reminder. You will need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader to see this file. Download it here.
Dr. Dean Ornish
Preventive Medicine Research Institute
A nonprofit public institute dedicated to research, education and service
- Nuts and seeds
- Olives
- Avocados
- Steamed, grilled or poached deep-water fish
- Lean poultry: white chicken or turkey meat without skin
- Low-fat dairy products
- White bread
- Refined-grain breakfast cereals
- White rice
- White pasta
- Fruit juice
- Alcoholic beverages
- Fat-free sugar-based bakery products
- Regular soft drinks and sugar-sweetened carbonated fruit drinks and beverages
- White sugar, brown sugar, syrup, candies, etc.
Food Spectrum Chart
To keep track of your heart healthy dieting choices, print this out as a daily reminder. You will need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader to see this file. Download it here.
Dr. Dean Ornish
Preventive Medicine Research Institute
A nonprofit public institute dedicated to research, education and service
- Red meat, such as beef, veal, pork, lamb, dark poultry meat, duck
- Fried foods
- Butter
- Margarine
- All oils
- Tropical fats
- Hydrogenated oils and fats
- Mayonnaise
- Lard
- Shortening
- Regular salad dressings
- Cheese
- Egg yolks
- Cream and oil-based sauces
- Whole fat dairy products
- French fries
Food Spectrum Chart
To keep track of your heart healthy dieting choices, print this out as a daily reminder. You will need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader to see this file. Download it here.
Dr. Dean Ornish
Preventive Medicine Research Institute
A nonprofit public institute dedicated to research, education and service