Reverse Home Buyer's Remorse
Pick your real estate agent carefully. A good agent will go out of his or her way to make the move easier for you. Make sure that your agent communicates with you regularly, and is available to consult with you on short notice. The unpredictability of buying or selling a home can be particularly unnerving, so your agent should review the process with you in order to help you know what to expect.
If you are moving to a new area, find an agent who has experience working with buyers that are relocating. Make sure you ask for a relocation package that includes information about your new community, as well as sample listings of homes for sale.
The Internet is a great source of information. Many sites make it possible to preview listings long distance. Buyers who are buying locally can also cut down the time they spend looking at new listings by viewing homes on the Internet.
If you're buying or selling a home with a partner, divide the workload so that you don't duplicate efforts. Perhaps one of you can preview new listings and the other can arrange the financing. Make good use of modern technology to lighten your load. Use email, voice mail and facsimiles rather than lengthy telephone communications to exchange messages.
Moving always seems to come at an inconvenient time. You may feel pressured just getting through the day's activities, but make sure not to eliminate stress-reducing exercises like walking, jogging, or cycling from your schedule. Staying involved in your favorite hobbies and sports will add some semblance of order to your chaotic life, as well as providing much needed relaxation.
Tackle things that are possible. You are not going to go from file clerk to CEO (unless your dad owns the company) so take one step at time. You'll eventually get where you want to be, and the journey is half the fun!
Published 01/01/2006