Use measuring cups to serve foods like rice, pasta, mashed potatoes and soups. This will help you to actually consume a cup or a half a cup, without kidding yourself.

Fill a serving utensil with water, then measure to see how much it holds. For instance, an ice cream scoop may hold a quarter-cup, while a soup ladle holds a half-cup. Pay attention to how this portion looks in a bowl or on your plate.

Enlarge a meal with a generous serving of salad (remembering to watch how much dressing you use!)

Use vegetables to add bulk to sandwiches, soups, casseroles, stir-fries and other dishes.

A large bagel (4 1/2 ounces) contains 3 or 4 grain portions, a small bagel (2 ounces) only 2. One vegetable portion is just half of a small potato, so when you are shopping, start the process of thinking about portion control and downsize what you are purchasing.

Slice and dice to make portions appear larger.