Congratulations! No matter how long you've been participating in the Boot Camp, you definitely should be feeling and seeing some results. Yippee! Salute yourself and stay challenged.

The key to staying motivated is putting your health at the forefront of why you're working out. And go ahead and admit it—don't you feel better when the workout is over? Applaud yourself each time, and keep doing it.

For exercise, the key is to push—challenge your body, continually and consistently. Even if you started slow, you will build. In each workout, you can begin at a level that's comfortable for three minutes. Add a tenth of a point every minute until you feel that you're working at least at a level 7 out of 10. Every day do at least a tenth of a point higher than the day before.

As I said before, I started my team at 3.0 speed and 3.0 incline, although I knew they were capable of more. But we warmed up and cooled down at 3 and 3 the first week. By the end of the 12th week, we started at 4.0 and 4 incline and that was our cool down! It was so easy it felt like a backrub.

You are probably already surprised at how quickly you're strengthening and improving. And strength over time equates to power.

That, my friends, is the true goal in life to become a powerful force for your own goodwill.

Go well.
As a reminder, always consult your doctor for medical advice and treatment before starting any program.


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