5 Seemingly Innocent Things That Lead to Weight Gain
You don't stint on sleep or drink diet soda or lose your mind at the all-you-can eat BBQ. So how did you manage to put on four and a half pounds this year?
By Jena Pincott
You Doubled Down on the Quantified Life
Your mistake: You believe wholeheartedly in the “If you can measure it, you can manage it” theorem.
That's right, we're recommending that you ditch your digital scale with the two decimal places. When dieters at the University of Utah received a “health index score” that was pleasingly vague—a weight range rather than an actual number—they lost up to four pounds in just three weeks. In contrast, when participants received their score in the form of an exact number, they gained up to a pound on average. The fuzzier the feedback, the more room there was to interpret it optimistically, the study concluded. (“Almost there!”) As a result, the goal seems more achievable—and we become more motivated. On the flip side, a precise number makes us aware of when we're not doing well—which all too often drives our discouraged self to lapse or quit.
The lesson: If you weigh yourself daily, even normal fluctuations could throw you off. Instead, get on the scale weekly and use a range as a goal (“I'd like to lose 5 to 10 pounds this year”).
That's right, we're recommending that you ditch your digital scale with the two decimal places. When dieters at the University of Utah received a “health index score” that was pleasingly vague—a weight range rather than an actual number—they lost up to four pounds in just three weeks. In contrast, when participants received their score in the form of an exact number, they gained up to a pound on average. The fuzzier the feedback, the more room there was to interpret it optimistically, the study concluded. (“Almost there!”) As a result, the goal seems more achievable—and we become more motivated. On the flip side, a precise number makes us aware of when we're not doing well—which all too often drives our discouraged self to lapse or quit.
The lesson: If you weigh yourself daily, even normal fluctuations could throw you off. Instead, get on the scale weekly and use a range as a goal (“I'd like to lose 5 to 10 pounds this year”).
Published 12/19/2013
As a reminder, always consult your doctor for medical advice and treatment before starting any program.