Q: For someone whose local grocery store does not offer organic options, what can they do?

A: One thing is to ask the store to start stocking these products. It's really no longer a fad, and almost every supermarket chain is offering some organic or local foods. Another is to look around for places other than the supermarket—like farmer's markets.

Q: Lynn used an organic cupcake as an example. Can you explain why you would choose an organic cupcake over a regular cupcake?

A: I don't think anyone is going to claim that a cupcake is health food, but if you are going to eat a cupcake, an organic cupcake does offer you a couple things—it was made with ingredients that were produced without synthetic fertilizers or pesticides or genetically modified crops. So the ingredients come from a type of agriculture that is better for the environment.

Food & Water Watch is a nonprofit organization that advocates for the quality and safety of food and water. Participant Media (the production company behind Food, Inc.) has partnered with Food & Water Watch on a social action campaign designed to educate the public on the dangers of highly processed foods and provide them with the knowledge and tools to make a difference in their own nutrition. To learn more about the Food, Inc. social action campaign, visit

Read about Lynn's trip to the grocery store

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