Plastic Takeout Containers
In addition to being convenient and inexpensive, plasticware is a great way to take food on the go. The problem is that some plastics contain BPA, a dangerous chemical that's been linked to neurological damage, thyroid issues and even cancer. Manufacturers include the chemical to make plastics that are light, durable and resilient. Most plastic items that are labeled with the number 7 for recycling purposes contain BPA. When these containers are heated, either in the microwave or dishwasher, they slowly melt and decompose, causing BPA to leach into your food.

Follow Dr. Oz's guidelines when using these containers:
  1. Never put a plastic container in the microwave or dishwasher. While some containers are listed as "microwave-safe," that only means they're resistant to melting—not that chemicals won't leach into your dinner.
  2. Wait for leftovers to cool before putting them into these containers.
  3. Throw away misshapen or cracked containers.
Restock With Glass or BPA-free Plastic Containers
Purchase versatile plastic containers designed to go in the microwave and store hot food—they will say "BPA-free" and are worth the investment. Glass storage containers are also widely available. They're lightweight, feature BPA-free plastic lids and are safe in both the microwave and oven.

Packaged Foods With Hydrogenated Oil
Sugar, salt, fat—there are a lot of offenders lurking in your packaged food. The worst of all is hydrogenated oil. This ingredient extends the shelf life of foods by adding hydrogen to vegetable oil. In its natural liquid state, vegetable oil is easily digested by your body, but it spoils very quickly in packaged food. Once modified and hardened, hydrogenated oil will never go bad; this substance poses a huge threat to your health.

Also known as trans fat, hydrogenated oil is the worst kind of fat. Eating just 1 gram of trans fat a day can increase your risk of heart disease, diabetes, obesity and even some cancers. Shockingly, many of your favorite processed snacks contain trans fat, even if it's not listed on the label. This misleading packaging is the result of a loophole in the FDA's guidelines. The administration allows manufacturers to round down the quantity of ingredients, so foods that contain less than half a gram of trans fats can be labeled as zero grams. This allows many manufacturers to sneak in trans fats without most people realizing what they're eating. With just 3 servings of these foods a day, you'll surpass your limit of trans fats. That's why you need to avoid foods that contain the words "hydrogenated" or "partially hydrogenated" on the label. Dr. Oz recommends throwing away all these foods.

Restock With Healthy Snacks and a Popcorn Maker
The big culprits of hidden trans fats are chips, crackers and microwave popcorn. There are plenty of healthy options if you know how to avoid hydrogenated oils and trans fats. Read the ingredient listings when picking snacks and consider buying your own popcorn maker. Ranging in cost from $20 to $40, this easy appliance allows you to make your own additive-free, healthy popcorn.

More Health Advice
As a reminder, always consult your doctor for medical advice and treatment before starting any program.


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