Dr. Oz's Best Advice for Beating Heartburn
Heartburn can strike at any time and can decrease your overall quality of life. The good news: You can tame the burn by taking these simple steps.
By Dr. Mehmet Oz
Most people experience it at one time or another—an uncomfortable warm, burning sensation in the chest known as heartburn or acid indigestion. Heartburn has nothing to do with the heart but is caused by stomach acid. It occurs when gastric acids back up into the lower esophagus. Common symptoms include burning in the chest area (usually below or behind the sternum), pain that intensifies when lying down and sometimes coughing or wheezing. Left untreated, persistent heartburn may lead to ulcers, chronic coughing and more. Or you could have GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease.) Along with persistent heartburn, symptoms of GERD include throat burning, sour taste in the mouth, burping, trouble swallowing and sore throat. (If you are suffering from more severe heartburn and/or suspect you have GERD, please consult your doctor.) Don't let heartburn take over your life—fight back with these lifestyle changes.
Published 08/19/2014