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Vitamin K-Rich Foods and Garlic
Vitamin K is an important component of the blood clotting process and high amounts of it may promote blood clotting. Foods high in vitamin K include broccoli, cabbage, collard greens, spinach, kale, turnip greens and Brussels sprouts. Garlic, in contrast, may affect how platelets clump to form blood clots and may promote bleeding.

Be careful...if you take anticoagulants. Certain anti-coagulants such as warfarin may be significantly affected by vitamin K-rich foods. If you are taking warfarin, it's important to be consistent every day with the amount of these foods that you eat so that you do not unintentionally make your blood more or less likely to clot—talk to your doctor about how much you should be eating. Similarly, talk to your doctor about how much garlic is safe to include in your diet, and avoid garlic supplements. Anticoagulants may also be affected by cranberry, ginger, glucosamine, ginseng and ginkgo.

**Note: This is not a complete list. You should always ask your doctor if you should avoid any particular foods, drinks or supplements specific to your medication regimen.