Cancel Out Cancer
By Dr. Mehmet Oz
Get the Aspirin Advantage
One of the greatest things you can do for your health is something you can do in literally half a second. If that's not incentive, we don't know what is. A half a second a day can translate into extra years of life.
Taking 162 milligrams of aspirin a day (that is two baby aspirins or half a regular, and do take with half a glass of warm water before and after) can decrease the risk of getting colon cancer, esophageal cancer, prostate cancer, ovarian cancer, and breast cancer all by 40 percent. (And it probably decreases the risk of stomach, throat, and several other cancers as well.)
Aspirin provides this through the reduction of inflammation throughout the body, although other cell repair mechanisms may be active as well. We know aspirin has side effects, but the benefitsa younger arterial system and decreased risk of at least four big cancersoften outweigh the risks. So discuss with your doc whether it's worth it to you.
Take your vitamin D
Taking 162 milligrams of aspirin a day (that is two baby aspirins or half a regular, and do take with half a glass of warm water before and after) can decrease the risk of getting colon cancer, esophageal cancer, prostate cancer, ovarian cancer, and breast cancer all by 40 percent. (And it probably decreases the risk of stomach, throat, and several other cancers as well.)
Aspirin provides this through the reduction of inflammation throughout the body, although other cell repair mechanisms may be active as well. We know aspirin has side effects, but the benefitsa younger arterial system and decreased risk of at least four big cancersoften outweigh the risks. So discuss with your doc whether it's worth it to you.
Take your vitamin D
Fortify Yourself with D
Vitamin D decreases the risk of cancer, perhaps because it's toxic to cancer cells. The other theory is that D bolsters the ability of the guard dog p53 gene to spot cancerous cells and kill them. Most Americans don't get enough D because we're indoors most of the time, and when we're outdoors, we're wearing sunscreen.
We recommend getting 800 international units a day if you're younger than 60 and 1,000 international units if you're over 60. You can do it through supplements or food (though you probably won't get more than 300 or so international units through food alone, so supplementation is smart.) Getting some sunlight (as long as you are careful not to get too much) is also protective.
You cannot get enough sun in most of the United States and Canada between October 1 and April 15 to turn inactive vitamin D into active vitamin D. So we recommend you get insurance D in foods supplemented with vitamin D3 or in supplements. Don't get more than 2,000 international units a day.
Take care of your liver
We recommend getting 800 international units a day if you're younger than 60 and 1,000 international units if you're over 60. You can do it through supplements or food (though you probably won't get more than 300 or so international units through food alone, so supplementation is smart.) Getting some sunlight (as long as you are careful not to get too much) is also protective.
You cannot get enough sun in most of the United States and Canada between October 1 and April 15 to turn inactive vitamin D into active vitamin D. So we recommend you get insurance D in foods supplemented with vitamin D3 or in supplements. Don't get more than 2,000 international units a day.
Take care of your liver
Protect Your Liver
Since your liver is your main detox organ, you're smart to keep it performing at its best. Certain foods and supplements can help improve liver function and have anti-cancer properties.
Liver detox systems are enhanced by broccoli sprouts, seaweed and dark greens and are proven to reduce risk in the occurrence of cancer at various sites, including the prostate, lung, breast and colon. How? These cruciferous vegetables rev up detoxifying enzymes at the genetic level. Other things that have been shown to improve liver health include choline (which can be found in these cruciferous vegetables), as well as N-acetyl cysteine (600 milligrams per day), milk thistle (200 milligrams per day), lecithin (1 tablespoon daily), and rosemary extract (150 milligrams per day).
Get enough folate into your diet.
Liver detox systems are enhanced by broccoli sprouts, seaweed and dark greens and are proven to reduce risk in the occurrence of cancer at various sites, including the prostate, lung, breast and colon. How? These cruciferous vegetables rev up detoxifying enzymes at the genetic level. Other things that have been shown to improve liver health include choline (which can be found in these cruciferous vegetables), as well as N-acetyl cysteine (600 milligrams per day), milk thistle (200 milligrams per day), lecithin (1 tablespoon daily), and rosemary extract (150 milligrams per day).
Get enough folate into your diet.
B Protected
Research shows that a deficiency of folate, part of the B complex of vitamins, is linked to cancer. Folate supplementation decreases colon cancer rates by 20 to 50 percent, but more than 50 percent of Americans don't even get the recommended amount, and 90 percent don't get the amount that seems to reduce colon cancer (800 micrograms a day).
Lots of foods like spinach, tomatoes, and orange juice contain folate, but it's absorbed less well than folic acid from supplements. The average intake of folate through food is 275 to 375 micrograms, so you need a supplement of about 400 micrograms to reduce your risk of cancer. That's especially important if you're allowing sun exposure to deplete your folate levels, which happens when you get more than 20 minutes of exposure to the sun a day. Be sure to add B6 and crystalline B12.
Eat food that contain lycopene.
Lots of foods like spinach, tomatoes, and orange juice contain folate, but it's absorbed less well than folic acid from supplements. The average intake of folate through food is 275 to 375 micrograms, so you need a supplement of about 400 micrograms to reduce your risk of cancer. That's especially important if you're allowing sun exposure to deplete your folate levels, which happens when you get more than 20 minutes of exposure to the sun a day. Be sure to add B6 and crystalline B12.
Eat food that contain lycopene.
Get Sauced
As if your grandmother's spaghetti sauce recipe weren't enough incentive. Studies show that the risk of developing certain cancers decreases when you eat 10 or more tablespoons a week of tomato sauce.
Many believe that the active ingredient responsible is lycopene, a carotenoid known for its antioxidant properties. All tomato products contain lots of lycopene, but it's more available to your body when it's cooked. While you're at it, add some cruciferous vegetables like broccoli to your sauce. They contain chemicals that prevent cancer.
Add olive oil to your diet.
Many believe that the active ingredient responsible is lycopene, a carotenoid known for its antioxidant properties. All tomato products contain lots of lycopene, but it's more available to your body when it's cooked. While you're at it, add some cruciferous vegetables like broccoli to your sauce. They contain chemicals that prevent cancer.
Add olive oil to your diet.
Oil On
In a test of olive oils, researchers found anticarcinogenic properties in monounsaturated fat. That would mean that olive oil, rich in monounsaturated fat, is not only a heart helper but may also deter cancer. That helps explain why, compared to northern Europeans, southern Europeans, whose diets tend to overflow with the oil, have lower rates of both heart disease and cancer.
Drink green tea.
Drink green tea.
Tea it Up
Green tea has been shown to have the highest content of polyphenols, which are chemicals with potent antioxidant properties (believed to be greater than even vitamin C). They give tea its bitter flavor. Because green tea leaves are young and have not been oxidized, green tea has up to 40 percent polyphenols, while black tea only contains about 10 percent.
Another interesting note: Green tea has a third the caffeine of black tea. Even better, it's been shown to yield the same level of excitement and attentiveness, but in more even levels than the ups and downs associated with other caffeinated drinks. Just don't drink milk with it; the casein in milk has been shown to inhibit the beneficial effects of tea.
More aging advice from Dr. Oz
Another interesting note: Green tea has a third the caffeine of black tea. Even better, it's been shown to yield the same level of excitement and attentiveness, but in more even levels than the ups and downs associated with other caffeinated drinks. Just don't drink milk with it; the casein in milk has been shown to inhibit the beneficial effects of tea.
More aging advice from Dr. Oz
Published 08/24/2009
As a reminder, always consult your doctor for medical advice and treatment before starting any program.