Wrong Turn #2: You Don’t Eat at the Same Time Every Day
When you eat meals at different times rather than on a regular schedule, your body goes into stress mode. For example, when you eat breakfast at 7 a.m. one morning and 11 a.m. the next, your body becomes confused about where its next meal is coming from. This causes the secretion of the stress hormone cortisol. High levels of cortisol lead to spikes in insulin, which causes inflammation and can increase the risk of many cancers.

Right Turn:
Create a regular meal schedule and do your best to stick with it. Since life often intervenes when it comes to routines, make a habit of carrying a healthy snack with you at all times, such as air-popped popcorn or an apple, to ward off hunger pangs and insulin spikes.

Wrong Turn #3: You Don’t Brush and Floss Regularly
The link between gum disease and oral cancer has been clear for sometime. Now the latest research also links poor oral hygiene to increasing cancer risk throughout the body, including breast cancer. In fact, one study showed a 75% increase in breast cancer in women with gum disease compared to women who didn’t have gum disease.

The danger occurs if you don’t brush and floss effectively. Bacteria forms in the mouth, plaque builds up, and inflammation forms in the gums, increasing the possibility of cancer anywhere in the body. Because of hormonal changes that occur during monthly menstruation and menopause, women experience more gum sensitivity and inflammation, putting them at greater risk.

Right Turn:
You must practice proper brushing and flossing. The average American brushes for 38 seconds a day, but you really need to brush for about two minutes and also floss daily. See your oral health-care provider to determine if you have too much plaque build-up. You can also find out by chewing dental plaque disclosing tablets that can be ordered online.

Besides flossing and brushing, add this extra secret weapon: neem bark extract. Neem bark extract acts as an anti-inflammatory to prevent gum disease and can also be ordered online; take it in a cup of tea or simply dilute it in a little hot water once a day as part of your oral hygiene routine.


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