Serves 2 to 4


  • 1 (3-inch) square, or slice, of prepared and iced red-velvet cake or cupcake
  • 2 cups vanilla, or sweet-cream, ice cream
  • 1 1/2 cups milk
  • Whipped cream, chocolate sprinkles, chocolate syrup and additional red-velvet cupcakes, for garnish (optional but recommended)


    Blend together the slice or square of red-velvet cake, the ice cream and the milk in a large blender, about 1 minute, or until mostly smooth.

    Pour into 2 to 4 glasses, depending on how large your glasses are. In the photo, mine are large hurricane-style glasses that yielded me 2 milkshakes. Top with chocolate syrup, whipped cream, chocolate sprinkles and an additional red-velvet cupcake as a garnish before serving, as desired. To make the cupcakes sit upright on the glass, peel off the cupcake liner and gently make a slit in the middle of the bottom side of a cupcake, being careful not to cut all the way through. Slip the cupcake onto the rim of the glass.

    From Two in One Desserts: Cookie Pies, Donut Shakes and More Clever Concoctions (Countryman Press) by Hayley Parker.

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