3 Before-and-Afters of Women Who Transitioned to Gray Hair
The hardest part of going full silver? Growing it out. Here, three stunning women from Silver Hair: A Handbook share their journey to gray from roots to ends—and how you can make the transition, too.
By Lorraine Massey and Michele Bender
Embracing The New Black...and Blonde...and Brown...
Take one look around your office, gym, school, supermarket, subway, mall, etc., and you’ll see that silver is the new black. And blonde. And brown. Many celebrities have proudly sported silver hair for years, such as Jamie Lee Curtis, Emmylou Harris, Bonnie Raitt, and Helen Mirren. But what’s new is that it’s not just the over-forty crowd who craves this hair color. There are young women who went silver early and have decided to ditch the dye and accept the gift nature gave them.
See the transformations...
See the transformations...
Published 03/02/2018