Transformers' Tyrese Gibson
In 2007, the film Transformers took the world by a storm and set a new standard for science fiction and action films alike. For Tyrese Gibson, the explosion of the film meant more than just unparalleled special effects: it helped bring his rising acting career to life.
With an upcoming comic book, a new reality show, and Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen hitting the big screen, Tyrese is grateful for the ride and looking forward to the future.
Rachel Cicurel: Were you surprised by the success of the first Tranformers film? With an upcoming comic book, a new reality show, and Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen hitting the big screen, Tyrese is grateful for the ride and looking forward to the future.
Tyrese Gibson: You know, we all had high expectations but we really didn't know because at the end of the day, being that most of us are realists, you can't assume because it was a successful cartoon or a successful toy that it was going to be able to make that crossover and become a successful film. But we all were hoping for the best. We had some early signs that the buzz and the energy was right on it but it didn't mean that people were going to show up and it didn't mean that it was going to perform as well as it did.