Q: Why do you think the gay community has embraced the Sex and the City franchise?

Sarah Jessica: It's hard to deny that there is this wonderful search, this endeavor for love [in the series], but there is an emotional ingredient. When I talk to people in the gay community, the clothing is fun, and it's the cherry on the sundae. It's the soufflé. But I really think it's this ability to articulate emotion—embarrassing and candid and intimate and the humorous way of observing our emotional journeys—that a lot of my gay friends really, really love. I think they are very comfortable saying that, and it has taken maybe the straight community—the men—a little bit longer. They used to [tell me] at the luggage carousel, "I watch your show." Or they'll say, "My wife, my girlfriend forced me." Now, they seem to volunteer more freely the fact that, occasionally, they even watch it on their own. If the remote got stuck or not...

Cynthia: I think also because Sex and the City, right from the very beginning, there was a very conscious decision made that we would never see these people's parents. We would never with maybe one exception see their siblings—two exceptions—because they were each others' family. I think, certainly, for many gay people, and for many non-gay people, that's the reality now. Maybe you have a family that you come from that you love or maybe you have trouble with them, but you can come to New York and create your own new family.


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