Hi guys,   

Hopefully you’ve all heard the wonderful news: Food Revolution won an Emmy Award for Outstanding Reality Programme. You should have seen my face when I found out! Because I’m on standby for baby number four I couldn’t fly over and collect the award in person, but I’m absolutely over the moon about it, not to mention incredibly humbled. The lovely people of Huntington and everyone involved in making this series should all feel really proud about this. I definitely do.   

At the moment we’re taking all that positive energy and gearing up for the next stage of the Food Revolution campaign. Check out my video and I’ll tell you a bit more about what we’ve got planned. The new Food Revolution website is being built; it will have a new look and feel and a big focus on activism. Basically, I’m calling on all of you who care about what you and your kids eat (and I know there are a lot of you!) to become Food Revolution activists. I want us to all come together and create an online community of leaders and on-the-ground activists to take the Food Revolution into local schools and communities to create the change we need. This is the time to get involved. If you’re interested in finding out what being a Food Revolution activist is all about, check out this link.   

We don’t celebrate Labor Day in the UK, but I know all of you lovely people are probably getting ready for the long weekend. If you’re looking for some simple barbecue recipes to get you in the holiday mood you should try my wicked Mexican barbecued corn on the cob, it’s so easy and delicious you can get the kids to make it. If you want a little bit more of a challenge try my blackened barbequed pork fillets and make a meal of it with a really tasty jacket potato. You can find these recipes here. And as always, please post pictures of your food on the Food Revolution Community page on Facebook.   

Happy Labor Day!   

Big love, 
Jamie O x   

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How Jamie shook up one West Virginia town 

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