KF: If you had to go undercover as anyone or anything, what would you go undercover as?

DM: I would probably sneak into the White House. I would have loved to be around Abraham Lincoln and maybe sneak into the White House during that time.

KF: What's it like working with Jerry Bruckheimer?

DM: Jerry's the most successful producer in the history of television and movies, so that's the first thing you want to be involved in. In the entertainment business, so many things fail, and this is a guy whose success rate is through the roof. ... When I got the call that he wanted to sit down with me, that's the call you always dream of. Everybody wants to be successful, because you have to work just as hard to fail as you do to succeed. You want to be involved with people like that, and Jerry's just tremendous. He's a real person. He does the work. I understand why he's so successful, you know. He's completely involved.


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