Though he's been in the business for about 20 years, Dane says starting out was tough. "When you're a new comic coming up especially, there's a lot of bombing," he says.

Once, Dane says he had a tough set at Café Wha?, a New York City club where greats like Bill Cosby and Richard Pryor used to play. "I'm sweating like Shaq at the foul line, and suddenly you can hear a gentleman in the bathroom getting physically sick and the whole crowd is, like, turning and watching, you know, the door," he says.

"He finally walks out of the bathroom and it's dead quiet, and I said, 'You all right in there?' And he said, 'Yeah, I got ahold of some bad comedy.'"

Now, Dane's grateful for where he is in his career. "Fortunate for me, the fan base grew and grew, and more people wanted to come out and do shows," he says.


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