My Piece of Sky: Stories of Child Sexual Abuse

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My Piece of Sky: Stories of Child Sexual Abuse
676 pages
In 2002, Lebanese-born Mariella Furrer was assigned a magazine story about infant rape in South Africa. The more she researched the subject, the more horrified she became. Haunted by what she had learned and by her own past as a survivor of molestation, she embarked on a painful—and finally empowering—journey to bring the issue to light by documenting the victims' stories, as well as those of the abusers, in words and images. The result is My Piece of Sky: Stories of Child Sexual Abuse, a 676-page, self-published volume that is not for the faint of heart. Why read about such unspeakable acts? Because, in the words of Maya Angelou, whose epigraph begins the book: "There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you."
— Leigh Haber