Marc Hom: Portraits  by Marc Hom

Marc Hom: Portraits
244 pages; TeNeues
It's all about appetite—the "appetite for life," as Danish-born photographer Marc Hom puts it in his introduction to Marc Hom: Portraits (TeNeues), a luxuriously oversize edition of his work. Known primarily as a fashion photographer for Harper's Bazaar, Hom is above all an artist who can evoke the pure sensuous essence of his subjects, many of them celebrities whose faces come at you with such lightning-swift clarity, you respond with delight before you even realize who they are. So you see Glenn Close's freckles (who even knew she had them?), Adrien Brody's chameleon eyes, Louise Bourgeois's devilish grin emerging from her deeply grooved face and the closer you look, the more you get the picture.