10 of 10
Every Secret Thing
448 pages; William Morrow Paperbacks
The thriller Every Secret Thing revolves around two teenage girls and the abduction and murder of a baby seven years earlier. Starring Diane Lane, Elizabeth Banks and Dakota Fanning, the movie casts more female leads than your average thriller (thank you!) and Laura Lippman, whose 2003 novel inspired the film, has deserved a big-screen treatment of her work for years. But the film was shot in New York, robbing the story of Lippman’s beloved Baltimore and her rich local details about everything from race relations to hairstyles. Let's not overlook the scary pleasures of her prose, either. “There was something menacing in the very fineness of his bones," she writes, "as if a bigger boy had been boiled down until all that remained was this concentrated bit of rage and bile.”
— Mark Athitakis