"We find the stories, we tell the stories, and then it starts a love chain." —Oprah
See how the money you've sent to our Angel Network is helping them create even more miracles for those who need it most.

Young Leaders' Academy

Cops 'n' Kids Reading Program

My House

The Spare Key Foundation

Camp To Belong


Our House, Inc.

Jacob's Heart
Our House, Inc.
Our House, Inc. is a structured program where at-risk young men learn the trade of carpentry while getting their high school diplomas.

Founder Richard Bienvenue says, "Since the show, we have received e-mails and letters from all over the world. I was also shocked when a man walked into our office and said he saw us on The Oprah Winfrey Show and handed me a check for $5,000. With the Angel Network money, we are working hard to finish the new building so we can help even more of these young men."

The Spare Key Foundation
The death of Rob and Pasty Keech's son Derian inspired them to start Spare Key, an organization that gives the gift of time to parents with critically ill children by paying their mortgages. They have already helped 37 families with the money they received from the Angel Network.

One family told us that because of Spare Key, they did not have to choose between losing their home or being with their dying daughter. "When Spare Key came in, it was at a really perfect time.It was before she got really sick, before she was going to pass. It gave us that couple more weeks to really be with her, to hold her more. I don't know how to explain the gratitude you feel to have that chance."

Camp To Belong
Founder Lynn Price says, "Thanks to our viewers and Jeff Bezos of, 93 brothers and sisters who had been separated for months by foster care, or even years, were reunited for a week at Camp To Belong in Colorado."

Terri Jones is a breast cancer survivor and was horrified to learn so many other women were dying because they did not have insurance and couldn't afford treatment. She started WINGS to help them. Terri reports that the Angel Network money has already helped saved the lives of two women.

One woman's husband says, "Because of the support of the Angel Network and WINGS, my wife, Vena, is still with us today. When Terri called me to say that my wife would receive surgery and follow-up treatment for the next five years for free, I was so overcome with emotion that I was actually speechless. I want to thank all your viewers for giving my wife a second chance at life."

Jacob's Heart
Since receiving the Use Your Life Award, Jacob's Heart has grown from helping one family to over 100 families with children stricken with cancer. They now have a beautiful center for the families to gather and support each other. Jacob's Heart dedicated the Town and Country minivan they received from Chrysler on The Oprah Winfrey Show to the memory of a little girl who had passed away. Now her father is driving the minivan to transport children to their treatments.

Founder Lori Butterworth says, "The thank you comes from the kids, from their families. It's such a big gift — we see the difference it's making everyday in the quality of their lives."


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